Introduction to Tizen IVI
We are continuing our webinar series with a session on Tizen IVI (In-Vehicle Infotainment). In this 40-minute session, Geoffroy Van Cutsem from Intel’s Open Source Technology Center discusses some of the challenges for the automotive industry such as multi-user requirements and security.
Geoffroy also presents how Tizen IVI addresses these automotive requirements and covers topics ranging from architecture overview to roadmap. More importantly, you will hear about resources available to developers and how you can contribute to the Tizen IVI.
Length: 41:09
About the speaker:
Geoffroy Van Cutsem manages a team of Technical Marketing Engineers and has been heavily involved in Tizen IVI since the beginning of the journey. He has been working on the adoption of open-source solutions in the automotive space for many years, going back further in time than the establishment of Tizen and Tizen IVI. Intel and its Open Source Technology Center is a key contributor and part of the Technical Steering Group of Tizen, an open source, standards-based software platform for multiple device categories such as smartphones, tablets, netbooks, in-vehicle infotainment devices, and smart TVs. Tizen provides a robust and flexible environment for application developers, based on HTML5.