Contributing to the Tizen Community
In this webinar, Philippe discusses how you can join and get started on the Tizen project. Philippe starts the session with Tizen development process and shows how you can learn first hand on Tizen community repos. You will see how packaging is done in Tizen with tools such as git & gerrit. Finally, Philippe discussed duties of maintainers including how to track and maintain your patches.
Length: 26:29
About the speaker:
Philippe Coval is a FLOSS enthusiast since the late 1990s, since then he has contributed to various communities such as Debian, Openmoko, Maemo, MeeGo, Qt...After a decade working as a software engineer in different contexts (research lab, telco, CE industry, startup). Phil joined the Open Source department of Eurogiciel as an Intel contractor. He became a maintainer of different domains of's softwares that has actually shipped in Tizen:Common and IVI profiles (cars). Lately, his curiosity has led him to make and share experiments on IoT technologies. Today, he still actively supports community contributions by helping anyone who focuses on Free software on open hardware generally and Tizen in particular at different places worldwide & online.