Wearable Web

Wearable Web Sample Descriptions

To access general information about the wearable sample functionality and the content of the sample source files, click the sample name in the following table.

Table: Wearable Web samples in the Tizen SDK
Sample name Description
Altimeter Demonstrates how you can allow the user to measure the current altitude and pressure using:
AnalogWatch Demonstrates how you can create a simple watch application through the Canvas element using:
AppCaller and AppCallee Demonstrates how you can use the application control to call other applications based on the operation type using:
BasicWatch Demonstrates how you can create a simple clock application through the Canvas element using:

This sample is also explained in the tutorials: Task: Basic Watch.

Calculator Demonstrates how you can create a calculator with basic mathematical operations using:
Calendar Demonstrates how you can display calendar months using:
Camera Demonstrates how you can handle the camera in the Tizen wearable device using:

This sample is also explained in the tutorials: Task: Camera.

Compass Demonstrates how you can take advantage of the device orientation event using:
DigitalWatch Demonstrates how you can create a simple digital watch application using:
HelloTizen Demonstrates how you can receive hardware key events and display text on the screen using:
MiniGallery Demonstrates how you can handle content items and the device file system using:
NewsFeed Demonstrates how you can send requests and receive XML format data using:
SensorBall Demonstrates how you can create an application that simulates ball behavior in 3 different environments using:
SpinningArrow Demonstrates how you can rotate images and use rotary events using:
StopWatch Demonstrates how you can operate a stopwatch and timer using:
SunburnMonitor Demonstrates how you can take advantage of the ultraviolet sensor in your application using:
TouchPaint Demonstrates how you can create a simple paint application through touch events and the Canvas element using:

This sample is also explained in the tutorials: Task: Touch Paint.

VoiceRecorder Demonstrates how you can record and play voice using:
WearableUIComponents Demonstrates how you can implement UI components using:
WorldClock Demonstrates how you can implement a world clock displaying the current local time in cities worldwide using:
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