
Customized GenGrid Items

Hello everyone, 

i am developing new application in which i need a Grid with the items having vary height and width. 

please help me out .

Thank You, Dinal Jivani

i need a grid as below image ....



7 回复
Yasin Ali


 You can write simple and complex design layouts using the EDC script with the EDC Editor.
 The EDC Editor makes it easier to write the EDC script code and faster to finish your work.

 Check out these links for details:

Hope it will help you.
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Dinal Jivani

I had already tried this , but this is not the real solution , ik think there will be some better option for creating such grid view in Tizen Native

Shaswati Saha

Hello Dinal Jivani ,

You can do this type of design with drag and drop facility using UIBuilder. Please follow below link:


Dinal Jivani

Hello Shaswati Saha , 

right now i had completed created this view using grid view, but now here i am facing the problem is grid view is not scrollable . due to that i can add only some grid to my widget .

please help me if you have any solution for scrollable grid

Shaswati Saha

Grid view is an evas object and so far I could understand it's supposed to be scrollable. Would you please try taking a layout object and create horizontal/vertical scroller on that? Moreover, you may also go through UIComponents sample app's handler.c file. It contains your required code snippet. 

Dinal Jivani

This is what i am talking about and had used ....Shaswati Saha


ad->GridView = elm_grid_add(ad->layout);
evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(ad->GridView, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND);
evas_object_size_hint_align_set(ad->GridView, EVAS_HINT_FILL, EVAS_HINT_FILL);
elm_grid_size_set(ad->GridView, 100, 200);
elm_object_part_content_set(ad->layout, "Grid",ad->GridView);


Shaswati Saha

Please try adding the scroller on layout and after that set the gridview on the scroller. Could you manage to go through the code of handler.c file which I've referred in my last reply? That file contains implementation of similar thing.