
About the In-app purchase.
I'm trying to apply the In-app purchase sample in developed on the TIZEN app currently. However, the sample will not run on the device. May I have to get a guide for running a sample app? * Driven environment. 1.Tizen SDK 2.2 2.PC : Windows7 64bit 3.Emulator/device(Tizen_Ref.Device-PQ_20130719.1629) 4.Sample : Native_Sample_0.zip(https://developer.tizen.org/downloads/in-app-purchase) * The current situation. 1.tizeninapp-1.0.4-arm.tpk, t5ek35st3l-1.2.3-arm.tpk installation (Downloaded from the same location as the sample app) 2.'Wifi on' setting. 3.In-app purchase sample installation > App runs. 4.MCC=250, MNC=01, 'Developer mode option' setting. 5.When the button 'GetltemList' is clicked, an "Process Error" occurs. 6.An error occurred with both the emulator and the device. * An attached files. 1. Device screen captures (three images) 2. Device log. - Download Link 20130816_Tizen_NativeSample.zip 69KB In addition, I have updated to 2.2 OS, but the 'menu key' and 'back key' does not work. I need to have a guide about the OS update. Please let me know. Thank you for your help.
编辑者为: theappsgames 26 8月, 2013


7 回复
Mallikarjun Hunalli
The error is Sample application trying to access an invalid ItemGroupID. The current sample application available in the developer site has a deprecated/absolute itemGroupID hence the error pop-up “Process error”. Workaround is Change the ItemGroupID in the, Sample_native/src/buy/buyengine.com with the value, #define GROUP_ID L"100000001455" Sample web - File:main.js , function function getItemList_mode_one () , use the itemGroupID data['_itemGroupId'] = '100000001455'; We will be updating the site either Today or tomorrow.
Unseon Ryu

Same problem on me even though I replaced the group id with another one that is registered on Tizen Store.

I have

checked device's internet is connected by opening the browser.

installed IAP packages and Tizen Account package.

added my Tizen account on the setting menu.

added a item group and some items on the store.

replace group id with mine on main.js

and run SampleWeb, choose country on Dev mode, press confirm, and press Get Item List.


Then show the message Process error occured


I would really appreciate it if you let me know the problem on me.


Unseon Ryu

I found the IAP works only when the country code is assigned by Russia's


Mallikarjun Hunalli

Hello Unseon,

Due to different hardware configurations, all the IAP servers don't support all the countries.

IAP ver 1.0.8 support Russia, France and Japan based on the hardware you use. 




Mallikarjun Hunalli

Please check the current set of sample applications and IAPClient version 1.0.8.

select Russia or France or Japan for testing.

Alexey Ozertsov


In my game, after purchasing an item, hardware "back" button  stopping to work, ::OnKeyPressed(const Control& source, KeyCode keyCode) is never called again!

Does somebody seen this problem?

Best Regards

Mallikarjun Hunalli

Hello Alexey, 

IAPClient application gets terminated automatically when purchase success or error. you no need to catch the OnKeyPressed. just check the returned status code from IAP.


Mallikarjun Hunalli