I'm trying to apply the In-app purchase sample in developed on the TIZEN app currently.
However, the sample will not run on the device.
May I have to get a guide for running a sample app?
* Driven environment.
1.Tizen SDK 2.2
2.PC : Windows7 64bit
4.Sample : Native_Sample_0.zip(https://developer.tizen.org/downloads/in-app-purchase)
* The current situation.
1.tizeninapp-1.0.4-arm.tpk, t5ek35st3l-1.2.3-arm.tpk installation
(Downloaded from the same location as the sample app)
2.'Wifi on' setting.
3.In-app purchase sample installation > App runs.
4.MCC=250, MNC=01, 'Developer mode option' setting.
5.When the button 'GetltemList' is clicked, an "Process Error" occurs.
6.An error occurred with both the emulator and the device.
* An attached files.
1. Device screen captures (three images)
2. Device log.
- Download Link
20130816_Tizen_NativeSample.zip 69KB
In addition, I have updated to 2.2 OS, but the 'menu key' and 'back key' does not work.
I need to have a guide about the OS update.
Please let me know.
Thank you for your help.
About the In-app purchase.
Edited by: theappsgames on 26 8월, 2013