PWD fle format for profile.xml (certificates)

Hi, there.

I have a trouble with the packing of a wgt file in Tizen Studio 3.0 on Ubuntu 18.10.
I can't pack any project (even HelloTizen, TV v4.0). Every time the java-message "Invalid password" appears.
Advices to reinstall the studio or Ceftificate Manager are useless.

I found the path to build a wgt file: there is the attribute "password" in the tag <profileitem> of the file profiles.xml where
the path to the password file is written (e.g. <tizen-data>/keystore/author/*.pwd). If I delete this path and build a project
(CLI: tizen package -t wgt -s <cert_name> -- <workspace_path>/HelloTizen) then receive command line prompt asking for a password.
After an entering password a wgt file is built and the path to a pwd file reappears in profiles.xml, but pwd file isn't created.

I want to create the pwd file manually, but can't find the info about the format of it. Can anybody help me?


5 Replies
a seph

There are two solutions of my problem (both are bad):
1. Roll back to version 2.5 (
2. Generate tizen-certificates (NOT Samsung) - an author's and the default distributor (with default tizen distributor password "tizenpkcs12passfordsigner"). Write passwords instead of paths in the file <tizen-data>/profile/profiles.xml:

<profileitem ca="<tizen>/tools/certificate-generator/certificates/developer/tizen-developer-ca.cer" distributor="0" key="<tizen-data>/keystore/author/<cert>.p12" password="<strong_password>" rootca=""/>

<profileitem ca="<tizen>/tools/certificate-generator/certificates/distributor/tizen-distributor-ca.cer" distributor="1" key="<tizen>/tools/certificate-generator/certificates/distributor/tizen-distributor-signer.p12" password="tizenpkcs12passfordsigner" rootca=""/>

The author's password must be strong (letters in different case, numbers, etc.). If the password is not strong enough (for example, it consists of digits only), when you try to build the project, the profiles.xml will be overwritten (that is, you will need to edit it manually before each new rebuild).

After that, you can build projects in the studio or using the CLI:

tizen package -t wgt -s <profile_name> -- </path/to/folder>

You can't install wgt-files to the emulator through the studio. I could do it so:
run the emulator:


after running install the file:

tizen install -n <wgt_name> -s emulator-26101 -- </path/to/folder>

Weak points:

Solution 1 - it is impossible to develop applications v5.0
Solution 2 - is a kludge and I don’t know how to run a standard web debugger.

виктор Коваленко

Alas, it does not grind


Armaan-Ul- Islam

Hello виктор Коваленко,

So What's your stat ? Did the Solutions by a seph work out for you or not ?

Tomas Sharavan

So on Tizen IDE 3.7 @seph solution does not work anymore, as I guess Tizen IDE attempts to save something to the profiles.xml file every time thus failing with Permission denied every time I want to sign project. The solution I found to work is to

1. edit file with explicit passwords in profiles.xml


cp -a tizen-studio-data/profile/profiles.xml tizen-studio-data/profile/profiles.xml-template

3. run

while inotifywait -e close_write tizen-studio-data/profile/profiles.xml; do cp -fa tizen-studio-data/profile/profiles.xml-template tizen-studio-data/profile/profiles.xml; done


Keep file writeable, Tizen will save whatever garbage it wants to, play its game and say, ok good boy, nice config you saved there, but lets revert back to the one that actually works. And thats exactly what the script does, itll immediately replace the garbage with a profiles.xml file that actually works. You have to run the command from 3. every time you run tizen studio in a separate console. I guess it could be converted into a self-starting service but I am fine for the time being.


P.S. I noticed the .pwd path for distributor password in profiles.xml was in a totally nonsense directory. I wonder if the root cause of my problems is that I did not install on the default /home/$USER/tizen-studio directory and instead chose my own in installer. Maybe this is why not so many people are affected. Too lazy to find out, but just a thought.


Hope this helps somebody