

Hello everyone,

Tizen phone users want more chat apps, so we need a volunteer to port the Telegram web app to Tizen.

Telegram web app:

Thank you so much for your attention and participation,


Edited by: John Ixion on 23 Jul, 2015
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29 Replies
Shuhrat Dehkanov

Hello Olivier Nyssen,

Where is the Telegram port to Tizen is being done?

John Ixion

Hi Shuhrat,

Good question, I don't know if anyone is working on Telegram already but I would recommend our Github group:

Mention your Github name here and I'll add you to the group :)

Shuhrat Dehkanov
GitHub username: ozbek

Thanks! :)

chulseung kim


Thanks :)



thanks :)

John Ixion

There are 3 "kyengeun" users:

You are ?


Yes, right. I am.

Also, I received your invitation mail and accepted it.

Thanks, :)

John Ixion

I've sent the invitations: if you didn't receive it, please tell me - it's not always easy to find someone on Github, even with the user name ;)

Sung-jae Park

Dear Olivier,


Please send an invitation to me too ;)


my id is "nicesj" for github


Thank you.


And is this only for the webapp porting?

Sung-jae Park

Dear Olivier,


Please send an invitation to me too ;)


my id is "nicesj" for github


Thank you.


And is this only for the webapp porting?

John Ixion

Hi Sung-jae,

The TizenTeam Github group has no particular goal, use it at your convenience.

I've sent you an invitation.

Mark as answer
Seoghyun Kang

Dear Olivier,

If you want to create the Telegram webapp, you should consider that tizen web platform does not support the service type application.

I think this is the critical issue for the messanger.

If you use the webogram, it is very easy to create the telegram web application.

I already created the telegram webapp and tested it on the M0 targets. It worked well via the telegram test server.

But as my comment, I cannot launch my applicaton as service. It is the critical issue.

So I recommend that you create the telegram on the native platform if you create the telegram client.

John Ixion

Hi Seoghyun,

That's a very interesting remark indeed. Could you post your Telegram webapp in the github group, please ?


But you can use hybrid app with Web UI and native service.

which will allow you to develop UI using web technology and use native service for background operation.

Sung-jae Park

To create the native service app, we should develop native code for telegram.

so I think we should write (or port) a code for native app. it will run as native service app.

And the Sandeep Kumar Polu is porting the CLI sample to Tizen platform.


I'll let him know about this project also.


PS. is there anyway to get a notification regarding reply of this message board? (via email)



Shuhrat Dehkanov

PS. is there anyway to get a notification regarding reply of this message board? (via email)

Yes, just tick the "Notify me when new comments are posted" checkbox below the comment input field.

Sandeep Kumar Polu
Hi, we started developing Telegram app for tizen in native code. we have taken Telegram CLI code and started porting to tizen. Currently we are making required changes in Telegram CLI code and preparing dependent libraries.
Ashiq Nazir




I would love to hear more about how this port is going. Please contact me using any of the methods on this link:





Ashiq Nazir

Hi. Any progress on this project? Thanks. Ash.

Vu Anh Doan

I've ported Telegram to Tizen. Its weight is only ~14KB

John Ixion

Thanks, excellent news !

Are you going to publish it ?

John Ixion

"Pavel Durov recently explained to me how the Bot API and platform will allow third-party developers to create Bots which are simply Telegram accounts operated by software sporting A.I.-like features.

This means the platform will ping other services as well, such as ‘Internet of Things’ platforms. To me this seems like a missed opportunity for a company like Twitter and rich one for a startup like Telegram."

John Ixion

more info:

Ashiq Nazir

Any progress on this? I think Telegram on Tizen is a very important messaging client to have.

John Ixion

The source code is here: LINK

Vikram Dattu

Looks like the project is dead now. Source files are not present there at this link.

John Ixion
Richard William

It's a great resource for understanding the capabilities of Matrix bridges