CLI Installer Patch Released
Release Date: Feb. 5, 2016
Patch Description
An error has been found in the install and update commands of the 2.4 rev1 and rev2 CLI Update Manager. When you try to install other packages or update installed packages, the Update Manager fails to install or update and displays the java.lang.NullPointerException error. To solve this problem, use the CLI Update Manager patch files.
Before applying this patch, make sure that the installed CLI Update Manager is 2.4 rev1 or rev2 (its internal version is 0.0.110 or 0.0.111; check the internal version using the show-info option). The patch can only be applied to those versions
If you are using other versions of the CLI Update Manager, ignore this patch. However, note that you have to apply this patch if you go back to 2.4 rev1 or rev2 from rev3 or future versions.
After the application of this patch, the CLI Update Manager works equivalently to rev3 CLI Update Manager. If the installed CLI Update Manager is 2.4 rev1 or rev2, download the patch at the download location and apply it as follows:
Instructions within the Tizen SDK installation directory:
- Open the terminal or command line (with Administrator privileges on Windows®), and go to the location where you have downloaded the patch file.
- Move the patch file to the location where the SDK in installed.
- At the prompt, enter the update-manager-cli_2.4_patch_{OS}{bit}.{bin|exe} command to install the patch.
If the patch is applied successfully, the “Patch has been applied” message is displayed.
- At the prompt, enter the update-manager-cli.{bin|exe} show-info command to make sure that the patched version is 0.2.21.
Instructions outside the Tizen SDK installation directory:
- Open the terminal or command line (with Administrator privileges on Windows®), and go to the location where you downloaded the patch file.
- At the prompt, enter the update-manager-cli_2.4_patch_{OS}{bit}.{bin|exe} -t {Tizen SDK installation directory} command to install the patch into the SDK installation directory.
If the patch is applied successfully, the “Patch has been applied” message is displayed.
- At the prompt, enter the update-manager-cli.{bin|exe} show-info command to make sure that the patched version is 0.2.21.
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