How to use Tizen Studio on Ubuntu 18.04

Multiple problems have occured Exception

To solve the above issue the value of the system variable GTK_IM_MODULE must be `ibus` instead of `xim`.

It is recommended to change the value using the export $GTK_IM_MODULE=ibus command.


Eventor(EDC editor) is not starting or UI panel is not shown in tizen-4.0 UI builder project

To solve the above issues we need to exclude the libxcb of the efl-tools being used, so please follw the below steps:

$ mv <tizen-studio>/tools/efl-tools/lib/  <tizen-studio>/tools/efl-tools/lib/ 
$ mv <tizen-studio>/platforms/tizen-4.0/wearable/efl-tool/efl-tools/lib/ <tizen-studio>/platforms/tizen-4.0/wearable/efl-tool/efl-tools/lib/  

After doing the above 2 changes, it will ensure that the xcb library of the system is used.

Install libpng12-0 on Ubuntu-18.04

To install tizen packages from package manager, “libpng12-0” is installed. This runtime library is not installed on 18.04.

For 64 bit system, run the following command:

$ wget
$ sudo dpkg -i libpng12-0_1.2.54-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb 

Xenial (16.04) contains the libpng12-0, but Ubuntu 18.04 doesn’t contains it. You can download and install it with the above commands.

Generally, installing packages from older distributions may break apt installation system. Since its dependencies are also present in Ubuntu-18.04, it will not break apt system.

Troubleshooting ‘Cannot launch application with GDB Client’ Error

As Ubuntu 18.04 does not have the readline6 dev package, you might encounter and error “Cannot launch application with GDB Client”.

So to install readline6 dev package, you can follow the below steps,

For 64 bit system, run the following command:

$ wget
$ wget 
$ sudo dpkg -i libreadline6_6.3-8ubuntu2_amd64.deb
$ sudo dpkg -i libreadline6-dev_6.3-8ubuntu2_amd64.deb 

Xenial (16.04) contains libreadline6-dev package, but Ubuntu 18.04 does not. You can download and install it with the above commands.

Troubleshoot of Emulator Stuck

Emulator is stuck at “booting kernel” phase while installing qemu-kvm on Ubuntu-18.04. The reason is insufficient permissions to the user.

To resolve this problem, after installing KVM for Ubuntu-18.04, run the following command:

$ sudo adduser $USER kvm

If the command is executed,  “kvm” group(/dev/kvm) will be added into the group file(/etc/group).

Note To apply this change, you must restart or logout/login.