
Web Application for Tizen Tv


Can we make web applications for Tizen Tv? If yes, then what is the procedure to submit it on the Tizen Store?




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Iqbal Hossain

Yes you can develop web application for TV.  
App Store for Tizen TV is http://seller.samsungapps.com

Before your Tizen widget can be published on customers’ devices, it needs to pass the Samsung certification process. To request for certification, you will need to prepare the widget package and metadataand submit it in the Samsung Apps TV Seller Office.

Follow the steps from left menu for apps submit procedure in Tizen Store http://www.samsungdforum.com/Support/Distribution

-Thank You. 

Manu Singh

Thank you so much @Iqbal Hossain! I really appreciate your help. With the help of your link, I was able to figure out that how to submit my tizen tv app on http://seller.samsungapps.com/tv/.


Iqbal Hossain

Welcome!! Glad to know that. 
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