
Tizen Web Application install failed. Please try again later.

Sometimes Tizen Studio manages install an app but most of the time the installation fails with this message:

Installing the package... > Fail
Unexpected error occurred at the below step.
 `Installing the package...`
Tizen Web Application install failed. Please try again later.

I've tried restarting Tizen Studio, the TV, cleaning the project, etc. and there's no way for me to be sure I can install and run the application. "Please try again later" indicates that this might work later - are there any other dependencies online for this to work? Like a Tizen server that's offline at the moment so the installation fails?

When installing using the CLI I get this:

> tizen install -n Empty.wgt
Transferring the package...
Transferred the package: C:\path\to\project\folder\Empty.wgt -> /home/owner/share/tmp/sdk_tools/tmp
Installing the package...
Platform log view
install wgt

package_path /home/owner/share/tmp/sdk_tools/tmp/Empty.wgt

app_id[wgt] install start

was_install_app return WAS_TRUE

app_id[wgt] install failed[118023]

spend time for wascmd is [393]ms

Failed to install Tizen application.
Total time: 00:00:01.119


I've never been able to get any logs with sdb. It just seems to close and wait for the device:

> sdb dlog
- waiting for device -
- waiting for device -
- waiting for device -


I've never been able to sdb shell either which justs returns "closed" twice.

> sdb shell


I think I have the latest versions of everything so if that's a known problem I'd like to understand which version combinations that is ok to use.

Tizen Studio version: 3.1

> sdb version
Smart Development Bridge version 4.1.3

> tizen version
Tizen CLI 2.4.48