
Tizen Service App

Hi guys!

I am a new guy in Tizen. So sorry if I'm writing something stupid.
So.. I have a problem. I want to write my own service app which should take the information about events which appears in my app. Also in my service app I want to send some http request with information about the event to my API . So, first of all, I need an answer to this 2 questions:
1. Can I track my app events(including custom events) in my service app? And how to do this?
2. Can I send http requests using my service app? And how to do this?

Kind Regards



2 回复
Ryan Korsak

I'm probably about as new to Tizen as you are, so I may be entirely incorrect on this, but I'm looking to solve a similar problem.  Regarding the question about receiving app events: have you looked at any of the APIs for Application Data Exchange?  In particular, the Message Port API looks promising.  As for making http requests, I haven't had to do that yet in a native app/service, but I think this documentation might hopefully send you in the right direction.


Good luck!

Armaan-Ul- Islam

1. For Inter Application Communication you can use any one of these:

  • Message Port API: To communicate using Messages.
  • Event Broadcast and Subscription API: Application can broadcast its own events to all listeners, and subscribe to events.
  • Application Preferences API: Share stored preference data among applications in the same package. You have Package your UI app and Service app as a single App package for that. Tizen-Studio > right Click on UI project on Project explorer > Properties > Tizen-Studio > Package >Multi > Select yoor Service App.

2. You have to use Tizen Native HTTP API to send htttp request.