
SAP service is so complicated

I tried all the SAP samples provided by samsung and no one runs on my devices.
I tried the last version 2.2.2 of the SDK and the pervious versions also but not working 
I took some time to understand the code of (provider and consumer) samples and I don't have any problems with them.

The integrated application consists of the android application (provider) contains the tizen application (consumer) in the assests folder when the application installed on the mobile the gear manager open the assets folder of the applications and send the widget file to the gear to be installed and the gear.

When I am tring to run the application on actual devices (samsung galaxy s3 and gear2 neo) nothing happens and I can't find the android application in the running applications on the mobile and I can't find the application at all on the mobile although the eclipse says (Success!  \SimpleSAPProvider\bin\SimpleSAPProvider.apk installed on device)

I can't find the application in my apps menu on the gear manager and on the gear also.

What is the problem ??!!
How could I run this sample on my deivces??

Any help appreciated.


14 回复
daniel kim


Please check below two things on Mobile.


   Settings --> more--> security --> check Unknown sources

(Gear Manger)

 Settings--> Security--> check Unknown sources


One more thing is,  I suggest you to install consumer(wgt) to your Gear2 neo seperately for testing as it seems to be failed to install consumer(wgt) to Gear side.

and this is Tizen Wearable SDK 1.0.0 for developing Gear application.



I wish this will help.

Siebert Elhorst

This seems like a problem with the certificate. Run your wgt file with Tizen IDE on your gear first. Then this gear is allowed to install your widget and you should be able too update the widget file.

You are not allowed to put a widget file on a random gear, if you want this you need to distribute your widget first.

Also, did you watch the tutorial that samsung provides on youtube (it was really useful for me)?


Anusha Sajeendran


I had the same problem. But the Consumer app is getting installed in the Gear and the Provider app is not visible in the home screen. Can anyone help me out with this please.

Siebert Elhorst

Did you create an Activity class on the android side (i assume you have android). SAP runs on the background but doesn't show anything visual. 

Anusha Sajeendran


Can anyone tell me that "Is it possible to display the EditText value from an android app to the Gear2 app?" . If yes please let me know the basic steps.



You can transfer data between host and wearable app using SAP.

More info you can find:


Siebert Elhorst

Yes this is possible, take a look at this Samsung tutorial, you are able to send data from the android device to the smartwatch:



Anusha Sajeendran


I have watched the video of SAPProvider but it is a bit complicated. Can anyone help me to find the basic steps for sending a data from the mobile device to the wearable device.



You can find sample app by following reference:


Anusha Sajeendran


I have gone through the samples, but it's all about SAP. I just wanted to send a editText value (Hello World) to the wearable device (like an alertbox). Please help me to find out how is this possible.

Marco Buettner

I dont know whats your problem? To send messages between the Gear and Android u must use "sendMessage" Interface... I prefer to send JSON, but before u send it u must it convert to string (JSON.stringify(yourJSON)) and on recieve parse it (JSON.parse(yourJSON))

Anusha Sajeendran


My problem is that I have a edittext in android application, when I enter a value in the editText and on clicking the button the value should be displayed in my Gear2 like alertbox message. How can i implement it..? Please help me

Marco Buettner

1. Do you have any experience to read out values from editText on Android? 
2. Works your SAP connection?
3. Do you check the sample apps? 



Communication between host (Android) and werable apps performed using SAP. You you want transfer any data you need:

1. Get value from EditBox

2. Establish connection Using SAP

3. Send data

4. In wearable side in callback display alert with received data