
Push Server

Hi, I am developing a Web Application for Samsung Gear S3 which uses push notifications. So far everything is working fine. Now I need to know if the Gear receives the push notification from the same server as I send it to (e.g. http: // apnortheast.gateway.push.samsungosp.com:8090/spp/pns/api/push) and I cannot find any information about this in the documentation. I have to do this due to security reasons - I have to block all other URLs and ports except for the one where the push notification is received. Thanks!


1 回复
Armaan-Ul- Islam

Hello Angela Promitzer,

By Looking at the Push Service Architecture >



What I've understood about your Query is:

"Your App Server(See Fig) is sending the Notifications always to the same Tizen Push Server (See Fig) by hitting at same URL every time. You need to know which url is hitting your tizen app to send notification in-order to keep that communication channel unblocked, right??"


As per the diagram, It's not the Tizen Push Server who communicates with your app directly. 'Tizen Push Server' Communicates with the 'Tizen Push Service application' residing on your Tizen device for all sorts of Push notifications from different providers. That 'Push Service' app communicates with your Tizen app. It's an Inter-application communication within device may be using app-control/Message port,etc.


If that's not the Case, Then you might Debug your app using Tizen-Studio > Debug As. And Inspect from which source/url you are receiving notification Info. Debugging with Web Inspector