
Open Google Maps from Webapp

Hey there,

I'm trying to open google maps from wearable web application on my connected phone (iPhone SE).
Is this even possible?

I found


but the launch command needs an app ID and I don't know the one for google maps.
Is it "com.google.Maps"? Is it "585027354" (from itunes.apple.com/de/app/google-maps-transit-essen/id585027354?mt=8 )?

If it's possible, can I provide some parameters to the launch? E.g. tell google maps to guide me to a given position (lang+lat)?

Thanks in advance guys.

Best regards

编辑者为: Nick Böcker 06 3月, 2019


4 回复
Martin LINES

I used the Google Java APIs to launch google maps with a Lat/Long and label information.




      		var map;
  			var marker;
      				// Initialise the map
      				function initMap() {
        				map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
          				center: {lat: window.myBoatLat, lng: window.myBoatLong},
          				zoom: 12
        			// Create the text box information
        			        var contentString = '<div id="content">'+
           						 '<div id="siteNotice">'+
            '<h1 id="firstHeading" class="firstHeading">Witch Way</h1>'+
            '<div id="bodyContent" class=content_subtext">'+
            '<h2><b>Time: </b>'+window.myBoatDeviceTime+'<br>'+
            '<b>Speed: </b>'+window.myBoatSpeed+' Knots<br>'+
            '<b>Heading: </b>'+window.myBoatCourse+'°</h2>'+

        var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
          content: contentString
      				//Set up the marker
      				var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
					    position: {lat: window.myBoatLat, lng: window.myBoatLong},
					    map: map,
					    icon: 'http://www.sportsboat.org.uk/images/junkpictures/speedboat.png',
 						title: 'Witch Way'
 			     	marker.addListener('click', function() {
          				infowindow.open(map, marker);

  <script src="http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=YourMapKeyHere4&callback=initMap"></script>

You wil need to subscribe to a Google Map Key ID, but its basically free for personal use based on a low volume of calls


Do you mind sharing the whole code with me ?

Nick Böcker

Hey Martin, 

thanks for your answer. Guess I wasn't so clear about my thoughts:
I want to open google maps on the connected device not on the wearable itself.

So when I touch on a button on the wearable e.g. "Navigate" my phone should wake up and open google maps with the parameters I provided.
Guess the way you did it is my second attempt. But navigation on the connected phone would be much more comfortable.

Thanks anyway!


Martin LINES


Ah, sorry, yes I did misunderstand.

