whem building my application JsLint fails reprots the following errors:
_updatePreviousBookmark: function pdfHistory_updatePreviousBookmark() {
if (this.updatePreviousBookmark &&
this.currentBookmark && this.currentPage) {
this.previousBookmark = this.currentBookmark;
this.previousPage = this.currentPage;
this.updatePreviousBookmark = false;
Multiple markers at this line
- Stopping. (24% scanned).
- Expected 'isHashChangeUnlocked' and instead saw '{b}'.
- Expected 'set' and instead saw '_updatePreviousBookmark'.
getByte: function ChunkedStream_getByte() {
var pos = this.pos; if (pos >= this.end) { return -1; } this.ensureRange(pos, pos + 1); return this.bytes[this.pos++]; },
Multiple markers at this line
- Stopping. (0% scanned).
- Expected 'length' and instead saw '{b}'.
- Expected 'set' and instead saw
if (input.length % 4 == 1) throw new Error('bad atob input'); for ( // initialize result and counters // get next character buffer = input.charAt(idx++); // character found in table? // initialize bit storage and add its ascii value ~buffer && ((bs = (bc % 4)) ? (bs * 64 + buffer) : (buffer, (bc++ % 4))) ? (output += String.fromCharCode(255 & bs >> (-2 * bc & 6))) : 0 ) { // try to find character in table (0-63, not found => -1) buffer = digits.indexOf(buffer); } return output; }; })();
Multiple markers at this line
- Expected a conditional expression and instead saw an
- Expected an identifier and instead saw '?'.
- Expected ')' to match '(' from line 292 and instead saw ','.
- Stopping. (61% scanned).
the code compiles fine on my linux machine,
any help please?