
Install APP I've developed in Tizen IDE to Samsung UE43J5202 TV device


I've created some sample app using Tizen IDE.

how can I deploy/debug it on Samsung UE43J5202 TV device?

There is no Apps screen, so general recommedations like "Open Apps, type 12345..." wouldn't work.

What can I do to check how my app look like on this device?




3 回复
Armaan-Ul- Islam

You're sure that the Model you stated is a 'Tizen TV', right?  If yes, The guide mentioned below should explain the procedure.


Check out the Guide on Samsung Developers: Smart TV Section about How to deploy an app on Tizen real TV Device.


Alex Timofeev

Hi Armaan!

Thank you for your answer. Yes, I'm sure that it's Tizen, bu I can install version >1149 on this device.

Link you posted follows to article about >1400 version, so it's not for me, sorry.

Armaan-Ul- Islam

I'm Aware of Tizen TV Extension 2.4, Tizen TV Extension 3.0 and Tizen TV Extension 4.0.

Please Explain What's version 1149 or 1400 ?