
Include font (ttf) in widget build

I've built a widget using javascript and have successfully used a special font (.ttf) that works great when running the widget as a "Tizen Web Simulator Application".  But when I deploy it to the emulator or to my device, it uses a default font rather than my special one.  I suspect the build of my widget and resulting .wgt file is excluding my .ttf.  How can I get the font included in the build?  Again, javascript using Tizen Studio 2.2.



2 回复
Alan Buch

After scouring the net for an answer, I found it...  for some reason, the font .ttf filename must be lowercase, including the extension.  Then, after updating the css with the same case-sensitive name, it worked.  weird.  Hope this helps others with the same problem.

Alan Buch

The emulator and the Gear itself runs Linux operating system where as the Tizen Studio and its "simulator" run on Windows.  Linux file system is case-sensitive, but windows is not... so when it comes to files, whether they're font .ttf files or images or whatever, you must obey the case if you expect it to find your files when running on the emulator or the device.