
I want to make web application to show webpage

I want to make simple web application to show webpage like web browser.

I think that web application do http reqeust to get web page. but i don't know http request function in web application.

what function do i use to get a web page ?  




4 回复
Iqbal Hossain

I think you have two ways, 


  • Develop a webpage. 
  • Deploy the webpage on an URL.
  • Develop Tizen App which actually shows the content of that webpage. 



  • Develop a webpage. 
  • Deploy the webpage on an URL.
  • Develop Tizen App which send HTTP Request to the server 
  • After getting the data, render in the Tizen App as per design requirement. 

Which one is your goal ? 


Vikram Dattu

A question bit off topic to original:

I would like to highlight 2 lines from your answer:

  • Develop Tizen App which send HTTP Request to the server 
  • After getting the data, render in the Tizen App as per design requirement.

Now question:

How to do http request and get dat (WebPage source) in a character string?

Iqbal Hossain

@Vikram Dattu

To send request you can try like this,

var xml = new XMLHttpRequest();
 xml.open("GET", url, true);

 xml.onreadystatechange = function() {
   if (xml.readyState != 4)  { return; }

   var serverResponse = JSON.parse(xml.responseText);


If you got string as response, you take convert it to JSON/XML etc as per your requirement. 

You can also use Ajax request, 

function getWeather() {
    'use strict';

    console.log( "ready!" );
        type: "GET",
        dataType: "jsonp",
        jsonp: "callback", jsonpCallback: "callback",
        url: "http://apidev.accuweather.com/currentconditions/v1/28143.json?language=en&apikey=hoArfRosT1215",
        cache: false,
        success: function (data) {
             // document.getElementById("results").innerHTML=JSON.stringify(data[0].WeatherText);
              temparature = JSON.stringify(data[0].WeatherText);
        	  ctx.font = "30px Comic Sans MS";
        	  ctx.fillStyle = "red";
        	  ctx.textAlign = "center";
              ctx.fillText(temparature,canvas.width/2, canvas.height/2);


Vikram Dattu

Ok. Thanks.

But I'm concerned more with native app.

Can similar thing be done in native application? There isn't a single WebKit function which does that. I have asked there in native forum but no useful answer...


Someone could only reach to the conclusion that you can get Web page source code in string with native app.

Ideally that should not be the case, right? I mean there should be a way to get httpRequest content in String.

Some direction would be useful.
