
How to connect to a distant DB (MySql)


I searched about how to connect a Tizen web application to a distant DataBase (e.g: MySql), and I have read, in some topics, that Tizen didn't support PHP. So I wander if there any solution for this issue? else, is there any other alternative to establish a connection with a distant DB?

Thanks a lot!


2 回复
Marco Buettner

PHP doesn't support PHP... Best way is to develop a RESTful API to your WebServices.

colin Rao

It's different concepts. Tizen os is target on smart phone, same as the androin and ios, both of them are not support the mysql database in there low level framework. As the comments of Marco Buettner, "Best way is to develop a RESTful API to your WebServices", you should developing your mysql data manipulate program on server side(like window, linux, mac os) and open your API via http protocol(like web API).