
How can I make apps for the GearS in TS 2.2?

After reading this page: http://developer.samsung.com/gear/develop/tech-doc/Tizen-Studio-for-legacy-Gear-devices I noticed that the GearS and other old smartwatches are not compatibel with V2.3. They say its still possible to build webapps for the GearS if I change my Version in the configfile.xml.. but it doenst give the option to select V2.2 that covers all the old Tizen versions.

If someone has an answer for me where I can make apps for GearS and the api for making apps it will be great. The current web api supports V2.3 and above.


7 回复
K Johnson

You may try using Tizen IDE for Wearable. Please download the sdk image from this link.

houssain elbou

Do you also know how I can use this image?


K Johnson

Please go through this link. Follow the steps shown in this video. The link from where installer and sdk images are downloaded doesn't exist now. So please download them from below link.

  1. Installer from this link.
  2. sdk image from this link.

Hope it'll help.

houssain elbou

Thank you so much for the provided links! but onfortunatly I have to download Java SE Development Kit 7u60 to make the installer work, do you maybe have a direct downloadlink of the this specific version? Oracle dont let me donwload this I need to have an account for this and also creating account is impossible it blocks my screen .

K Johnson

My dev PC java version is as below. The IDE works well in this setup too. You may try this.

houssain elbou

This is my current version, did you maybe installed the IDE before your current java version?

K Johnson

No, I installed it after java environment setup.