
How can I develop the call and MMS function (Gear2)


I have a three questions.

First, How can I develop the calling funtion in Gear2.( Integrated app.)??

 [Additional Description]

I swipe the screen(left to right)  - (it is tau.js funtion.)

Then, I want to calling him..

So...How can I develop the calling funtion in tau.js??


Second, How can I develop the MMS(Message) funtion in Gear2 (Integrated app)??

 [Additional Description]

I swipe the screen(right to left)  (it is tau.js function.)

Then, I want to send the MMS..

So.. How can I coding that funtion in tau.js??


Finally, When the alarm is on a cellphone, how do I sounded the alarm in Gear2

I refer to the official document, but, I do not know yet.


Please explain with example source....!!


1 回复
Seemanta Saha

Integrated app is deprecated now. Instead of integrated app, you can develop Companion type application. Companion type application development idea is same as integrated application except the idea of deployment. Companion type app has both the host-side app and the Gear app separately. You must upload the host-side application to the Android Store and the Gear application to the Samsung Gear Apps.
For details you can go to the page:
To develop an integrated/companion type app, you can get the basic idea from the following URLs:
Currently there are various types of gear such as Gear 2, Gear S, and Gear S2. Different types of Gear support different types of features. Some gear supports 3G SIM and some does not. Those which (Gear S for example) support 3G SIM you can implement call and message option directly through a stand-alone application using Tizen web API features (should be supported for wearable).
To call or message in Gear 2:
If you want to develop calling or message feature for Gear 2, your actually need to do the call operation from the phone side (android application) as Gear 2 does not support SIM. So, when you are detecting left to right swipe in gear side using tau.js, you need to send a specific message (including the calling number or name) to android application, When android application will receive the message from gear side, you need to implement the calling method in receive method android application.
You need to follow the same process for sending message or MMS.
To show alarm on Gear 2:
You do not need to worry about showing system alarms of android phone on gear side. If you want to show alarm on gear side based on any task of android side, you need to send a message to gear side. When, gear application receives the message, you need to implement alarm/sound or desired task on your own gear application.
If you go to the 2nd URL mentioned above, you will see a fetch() method in which the receiving and sending method is implemented for gear side application.

function fetch() {
 try {
  SASocket.setDataReceiveListener(onreceive); //implement code in onreceive to show alarm
  SASocket.sendData(CHANNELID, ""); //send data to do call or message on android side
 } catch(err) {
  console.log("exception [" + err.name + "] msg[" + err.message + "]");