
Gear2 - wearable - using database

Ok, here another problem encountered in studing SDK for wearable.

How to manage databases?

I mean: I studied the SDK help and tried to implement an IndexedDB. But, as for other APIs, tutorials and examples are absolutely not detailed.

I created a DB, a store, putted data in it, but don't understand how to read data back! This is what the SDK example says:

var request = tizenStore.put(data);
request.onsuccess = function(e) 
   tizenDB.db.objectStoreId = request.result;
   var data = tizenStore.get(tizenDB.db.objectStoreId);

supposed tizenStore is the object store, and the (first) data variable something simple like:

var data = 
    "key": new Date().getTime(),
    "text": "Tizen-" + Math.random()

Yes: with the tizenStore.get I have access to my data but ... this function has an output of the inserting process, as a parameter!

In other words: if I haven't the request variable, this means I haven't a tizenDB.db.objectStoreId, too! I tried something from the HTML5 help site, too, but it still doesn't work:

var txn = db.transaction();

if (txn) 
    var store = txn.objectStore(objName);
    if (store) 
        var cursorReq = store.openCursor();
        cursorReq.onsuccess = function (ev1) {
            var cur = ev1.result;
                cursor_get_record(cur, txn, objName);
        cursorReq.onerror = function (ev1) {
            output_trace("Failed to open cursor. Error: " + ev.message);

function cursor_get_record(cur, txn, ojName) 
    var moveReq = cur.move();
    moveReq.onsuccess = function (ev) {
        if (ev.result) {
            PrintRecord(ojName, cur.value);
            cursor_get_record(cur, txn, ojName);
        else { //no more record

It seems that the store.openCursor() didn't fire any event...

Any ideas? Thank you :)


3 回复
Seoghyun Kang


Could you refer the following code?

This is the sample code about how to read the data from indexedDB. It works well on the Tizen wearable emulator.


var transaction = db.transaction(DB_TABLE_NAME, "readonly"),

idbObjectStore = transaction.objectStore(DB_TABLE_NAME);
idbObjectStore.openCursor().onsuccess = function(e) {
    var cursor = e.target.result;

    if (cursor) {
        // TODO
    } else {
        // TODO


Mats Wichmann

there are also examples in the W3C specification, http://www.w3.org/TR/IndexedDB