
Gear S developer and Gear S connect Tizen2.3.1 wearble problem(기어S 개발 문제)


Gear S를 개발하고 있는 개발자입니다.

Gear S 웹 애플리케이션를 개발려고 Tizen과 연결후 프로그램을 다운 받는데, Fatal_error 문제로 프로그램을 다운받지 못하고있습니다.

Gear S2는 다운이 잘되는 상황이여서, 문제를 검색해보는중에 Gear S는 Tizen 2.3.1 Wearble version 이후로는 개발 및 지원이 불가능한것으로 알고있는데요

이게 사실인가요? 아니면 Gear S를 앱을 개발할 방법은 없나요? 혹시 방법을 아시는분은 답변해주시면 정말 감사드리겠습니다~



I'm Gear S developer.

I have to Gear S program download from Tizen 2.3.1 Wearable.

But, Fatal_error..

What can i do??


3 回复
Nafisul Islam Kiron

If I understand correctly (korean part) you were trying to deploy your program in your watch but it gave error.

I think this is a certificate issue, you have to install the author and distribution certificates before you can deploy in a device.


please check these links:



Seung-tae Kim

I have installed the author and distribution certification and permitted to install  applications

but, error ...   manifest invalid   [12]     failed.

Please Help me!!!

chulseung kim

I don't know why it doesnt support Tizen 2.3 based app, but please change the Required version as 2.2 in config.xml

config.xml > Tizen > Required version > chagne 2.3 to 2.2