
Gear S: App Font size increase automatically


I have a problem in Gear S, when ever I input any text into Textbox and press any button of the App (such as pressing getData Button in my app to get Data) all the Text Size increased automatically in the app and I have to Scroll the apps to see the full display screen.

There is no precise path to produce this issue and the issue occurs randomely. I have tried with <font> Tag, <p> Tag with the style attribute with font-size, still this problem exists and produces randomly. It seems to me when button is pressed and the Data is shown in the Display screen in the <p> Tag, this issue occures. One more thing I have inputted data through built-in keyboard in Gear S.


<input type="text" id="input_box" value=""></input>
<button type="button" onClick="find_data()">Search</button>

<p id="abc" style="background:black; color:white; font-size:xx-small;"></p>


myData = document.getElementById("input_box").value;

myData = (..............many string operations are doneon this data with tags such <b> is used on some string....... )

document.getElementById("abc").innerHTML= myData;



编辑者为: Abdur Rahman Khan 04 12月, 2014


1 回复
colin Rao

Less info to analyze. Could you output the innerHTML value of the P tag "abc" after set it's value. as your code:

document.getElementById("abc").innerHTML= myData;

//output the value here
