
Accessory SDK and Java 8

Hello everyone
Developing a mobile/wearable companion app between Android phone and Samsung Gear S2, and I've been using the Accessory SDK on Android. Trouble appears because the project won't compile the Accessory SDK in Java 8. This will be troublesome in the future as Android N only compiles with Java 8 and no companion apps can be developed on devices that run Android N.
Any clues on whether this will be fixed soon before the release of Android N, or how to fix this?



2 回复
Armaan-Ul- Islam


I am using java 8 and 'AccessorySDK_v2.3.3'. The Sample apps are compiled fine on my Android studio. If the release of Android N stucks the Accessory SDK, I hope then Samsung would fix that soon.

Mark as answer
Ricardo Trindade

I was able to solve the problem. Turns out it was an issue with Dagger 2 that I'm using for dependency injection, it has some issues with the SASocket extending, so I had to se a separate class to handle the injections instead of injecting directly on the SASocket class.