
Tizen Web Simulator could not be found()

Hi, after instalation Tizen SDK for Windows 7 32 bit (tizen-sdk-windows32-v2.2.32.exe + tizen-sdk-image-2.2.0-windows32.zip), I have problem with Web Simulator...

My steps after instalation:

1) File -> New -> Tizen Web Project -> Sample -> Web app -> AnalogWatch (0 errors, 90 warnings, 0 others)

2) Run As -> Tizen Web Simulator Application -> Ok -> ERROR: Tizen Web Simulator could not be found() Please install Tizen Web Simulator and specify the program location in Window->Preferences under "Tizen SDK/Web/Simulator".

3) Window -> Preferences -> Tizen SDK -> Web -> Chrome:

Google Chrome location: C:\Users\Pto-3_2\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe

Extra parameters: --no-first-run --activate-on-launch --no-default-browser-check --allow-file-access-from-files --disable-web-security --disable-translate --proxy-auto-detect --proxy-bypass-list= 

Profile data location: *empty

4) Run As -> Tizen Web Simulator Application -> Ok -> ERROR: Tizen Web Simulator could not be found() Please install Tizen Web Simulator and specify the program location in Window->Preferences under "Tizen SDK/Web/Simulator".

5) Window -> Preferences -> Tizen SDK -> Web -> Simulator: (At the start all were empty)

Launch simulator in Google Chrome mode: yes

Google Chrome location: C:\Users\Pto-3_2\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe

Extra parameters: --no-first-run --activate-on-launch --no-default-browser-check --allow-file-access-from-files --disable-web-security --disable-translate --proxy-auto-detect --proxy-bypass-list= 

Profile data location: *empty (And I have another error when it's stay empty, I need write something there, but what?)


What I'm doing wrong?

编辑者为: Brock Boland 17 3月, 2014 原因: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


16 回复

Hi Ivan Korobko,

Please set the variable values for Simulator:
Goto Window -> Preferences -> Tizen SDK -> Web -> Simulator:
    Browse Simulator settings : "C:\tizen-sdk/tools/websimulator/web/index.html"
    Select "Launch the simulaotr in google chrome application mode"
    Give Ertra parameters :  --allow-file-access-from-files --disable-web-security --proxy-auto-detect
    Browse Profile data location: C:\tizen-sdk\ide\plugins\org.tizen.web.simulator_0.2.0.______\profile
~Sanjana T S

Ivan Korobko

Thanks for help, but Simulator settings Browse button is not active and text-box too...

I'm run Tizen SDK on win 7 64 bit - have no this problem, but when I click on "Run as Tizen Web Application simulator" -  open Google Chrome with Login-form for Google account + warning panel "Disable web security"... and nothing else(

PS: Sorry for my English, I'm just learn it...


Hi Ivan Korobko,
    Please Uninstall the Tizen-SDK using the Install Manager and delete the Tizen SDK related folders like tizen-sdk and tizen-sdk-data.
    Re-install the SDK  and try the above steps once again.
~Sanjana T S

Ivan Korobko

On computer with win 7 32bit I'm do this 6 times - no result...

Computer with Win 7 64 bit - I'm install Tizen SDK after computer's factory reset and re-install Windows - All worked, but simulator just open new Google Chrome window with Google-search (Can't run any web-templates...)


Hi Ivan Korobko,
    Open the Chrome, Enter the full path to the sample web application's primary content file (such as index.html) in the Chrome's URL bar.
    you must be able to see the "Analog clock"
    e.g:- Mention the file name in Chrome's URL bar  :  file:///C:/Users/sanjana.ts/workspace/Analog/index.html
    Please let me know the "General settings for the Tizen Web Simulator" On windows 64 bit.
    ~Sanjana T S

Ivan Korobko

When I entered the full path to the sample web application's index.html in Google Chrome's url bar - it's working...


Ivan Korobko
Able to run the simulator only on the fifth computer with Win 7 64bit based on intel-processor... on the other three computers with win 7 64bit, the simulator does not run (just open new window of google chrome and nothing else) - the installation process and all settings are identical...
Kirill Chuvilin

I encountered this problem at some laptops on Tizen DevLabs in Russia.
It was successfully solved.

Unfortunately, I do not remember how.
And I can not reproduce the problem on my laptop.

As far as I can remember, it was enough to remove a tick "Launch the simulator in Google Chrome application mode".


Jean-Philippe DEGLETAGNE


Same problem under Mac OS X....

I'v defined 

Tizen Preferences, General/Web Browser, Use external web browser,  /Applications/Browsers/Google Chrome.app

Not running

And  when I start Chrome to execute 


Nothing appears!!! (no error just blank page)




daniel kim


I'm not sure but I would suggest you to check this link. Probably you need to check java version.



Jean-Philippe DEGLETAGNE

Hi Daniel,

Thanks a lot for the link.

I had only JDK 1.8.0_73  htt...java.sun.com/products/autodl/j2se

So, I have installed JDK 1.8.0_74 and restarted Tizen IDE...

When I try to Run As Tizen Web Simulator Application, the message is always the same :

Google Chrome could not be found (). 

Please install Google Chrome and specify the Google Chrome program location in Window->Preferences under "Tizen SDK/Web/Chrome".

When Tizen search for Web Browser in Applications folder, It doesn't found Chrome but Chrome (version 48.0) is present in my Application Folder.

It's a pity...



Jean-Philippe DEGLETAGNE


I've re-installed all (Tyzen, Chrome...) and I try to fix the customizing

Tizen SDK /  Web / Chrome

Location : /Applications/Browsers/Google Chrome.app

Extra parameters : --no-first-run --activate-on-launch --no-default-browser-check --allow-file-access-from-files --disable-web-security --disable-translate --proxy-auto-detect --proxy-bypass-list= 

Profile data location : /Users/jphdegletagne/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default

Impossible to Apply (inactive button) I get an error message at the top "File does not exist" 

??? An idea of the problem ???

I've tried to rename "Google Chrome.app" on "Chrome.app" 

Marco Buettner

For using the simulator fill out the Simulator settings... On Chrome section u doesnt need to fill out the Profile data location ;)

Jean-Philippe DEGLETAGNE

Hello Everybody,

I solved  my Google Chrome issue... Full fresh re-installation of Chrome (a path problem).

Now, I get some certificate trouble.

I've generated and filled Profils, Author and Distributor Tizen SDK preferences.

I've built the first example AnalogWatch, I got AnalogWatch.wgt and I want to test it on Emulator.

I created emulator-26101 (w-0302-1)

On Emulator, I select "Permit to  install applications" but I get 

"Certificate has not been registered yet"

"Please register a certificate issued from Samsung Developer Center"

I read Certifcate Guides, in IDE I click on Certificate Icon... But I'm lost!!!

A step is missing but which one???




Jean-Philippe DEGLETAGNE


I have regenerated all Profiles/Author and Distributor Certificates.

I have declared my emulator instance to "Permit to install applications"  (succceeded to upload a certificate)

Now, I select emulator-26101 / usr / apps to push in it the AnalogWatch.wgt...

I get "Failed to push the items : Unknown Error"

So what can I do ???

- To setup an operational environement is really a complex task!


Jean-Philippe DEGLETAGNE


It's running...

In the config.xml, comment the line <tizen:category name="http://tizen.org/category/wearable_clock"/>

Build the project and Run as "Tizen Web Application"