
Tizen 5.5 M2 Kickstart for Raspberry PI

Hi all,

I am trying to build Tizen 5.5 M2, using GBS and MIC.

I've found guide and shell script to build for Raspberry PI 3 ( 32 bit mode ). I have not managed to fully create working image with it, but this is different issue.


What I am looking for now is a guide/tutorial/documentation/project/script to build Tizen 5.5 ( GIT version - using GBS ) for Raspberry PI 1 and Raspberry PI 2.

Is this HW not supported any more? What about Raspberry PI 4, is this HW supported in 64bit mode?


Kind Regards,




1 回复
Verla Hiltz

Hi...it's my first time to run another os on my RPI3 other than rasbian so I'm trying to set-up tizen 3.0 on my RPI3, I have found this link that describes all the steps to port tizen on a raspberry pi3, but after finishing all the steps went I tried to test it stuck in the rainbow screen so my card is not booting. can anyone help with that?