
Please wait until the emulator is completely boot up

Emulator initally opens but is completely broken.  It only has the Clock and Settings, everything else is missing.  Control Panel does not work and gives this error when trying to connect.  I cannot push my app to the emulator.  What is a reasonable amount of time to wait for the emulator to boot up?  I've waited up to 4 hours and have seen no changes.  I monitor my system resources and do not see anything spike above 25% load when trying to work with this emulator.  Please advise.

Tizen Wearables SDK 1.0.0
Windows 8.1 64 bit
4 core
8gb ram



3 回复
daniel kim


Currently Emulator of wearable has clock and settings. so your emulator was correctly boot up.

If your shell menu doesn't response, just restart sdb server(sdb kill-server and sdb start-server).

It's effective in that case.

I will this will help you.

Mark as answer
Randall Puterbaugh

I started over with a fresh installation of the Tizen SDK IDE, After following some vague instructions in another thread that suggested adding a connection to port 26101 I was able to view both my physical device and the emulator in Connection Explorer.  However neither will permit installation of applications, they both give an error that the certificate is not registered.  I have repeated the certificate registration process several times, each time it says that the certificate has been registered, but I'm unable to permit applications to be installed.  Please advise.

Randall Puterbaugh

Certificate problem was due to multiple attempts, my downloads folder had added (1) to the end of the device-profile.xml.  I deleted the the old versions of this file and restarted the Certification process which worked this time.  So it was saying it was registered successfully but that was not the case.  Here is where I found my answer to the Cert problem: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26873562/samsung-gear-development-certificate-error-when-permit-to-install-application