
creating app


first of all thanks  for ur supprot  downloading and installing tizen sdk and now am able to run sample apps 

but, am trying to create one  ping pong app(i have alredy scource code with me). it showing config.xml file giving error and 

  <canvas id="canvas">
<audio  id="collide">
<source src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/26141789/canvas/pingpong/Metal%20Cling%20-%20Hit.mp3"></source>
<source src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/26141789/canvas/pingpong/Metal%20Cling%20-%20Hit.wav"></source>
it's not supproting audio file same thing i run in html5 editer it's working out side but in tizen emulatore it's not.
1)i checked .project it is ok...
2) config.xml--identifier: http://yourdomain/Ping-PongGame
3) if u want i will send .log file also
please tell me  
1) when to use basic, UI builder,userdefined templates
2)tizen  web application, tizen native appication,Tizen Native Unit Test project
Thanks for ur support
编辑者为: Brock Boland 17 3月, 2014 原因: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


5 回复
Raghavendra Reddy Shiva
If you are to import an application developed in other environment (non-Tizen) to Tizen, then you might need to edit the ".project" configuration file and have to add a config file, if your project doesn't have one. Refer below link for more details. https://developer.tizen.org/downloads/sample-web-applications/load-web-app-tizen-sdk Yes, there are issues observed with mp3 audio streaming. Though streaming for OGG format file works. Till the issue is resolved, suggest to test your application using ogg files. Tizen Project templates: The basic template can be used, when you are bringing in an application from a non-tizen environment. The template just fills in with the minimal elements of the application, which then can be replaced with your application. User Templates are helpful, when you define a specific layout and want to use the same as the base layout for all your projects or applications there on. UI Builder is a layout code generating tool. The tool helps to arrange the widgets in the page by just drag and drop. Basically that means, you can use UI builder to design your application UI. Please refer to the below link to understand more about UI Builder. https://developer.tizen.org/help/topic/org.tizen.web.appprogramming/html/ide_sdk_tools/ide_sdk_tools_web.htm
kalyani M
Thanks Ragha , i'll do and if i need i'll get back to you
kalyani M
Hi rahgu, screen opend now but javascript not wking .i wrote in index.html only can you plz check once. drag n dorp

Drag the W3Schools image into the rectangle:

Raghavendra Reddy Shiva
The program works fine on simulator , when used jQuery framework . But the same program doesn't work with Tizen web UI f/w. Of course neither of the f/w's works on the Tizen device, which is a real concern. Seems like there are issues with the implementation in Tizen platform. Have raised the below JIRA ticket to track the issue. Please follow the JIRA or more details and feel free to post your comments there. https://bugs.tizen.org/jira/browse/TWEB-136
kalyani M
Thanks for ur help Raghu, it is difficult for beginners like me to create apps with Tizen like out side (non-tizen) html5 editer working fine want to implement in tizen showing ... finaly we are able to install and lanch sample app and out side app in tizen (we are unable to work but showng something :) ) . so thanks you raghu and Lakshmi . so give me some suggestion how to follow steps while implementing app's