
Can't create developer certificate

I am using Tizen Studio 3.1 with JDK 1.8.0_201. Attempt to create samsung developer certificate through tizen studio with certificate manager. At the 3rd step it asks me to login into samsung account and every time I get following message:


{"access_token":"<token here>","token_type":"bearer","access_token_expires_in":"862942","refresh_token":"-1","refresh_token_expires_in":"-1","userId":"<...>","client_id":"<...>","inputEmailID":"<email>","api_server_url":"us-auth2.samsungosp.com","auth_server_url":"us-auth2.samsungosp.com","close":true,"closedAction":"signInSuccess"}


Is there any other way to create certificate or how can I resolve this problem? Thanks

PS: sorry for my English, not a native speaker.

编辑者为: stateg 24 1月, 2019


3 回复

Looks like there was some kind of maintenance work because now sing in form is updated and have new error "Socket timeout!"



Egor Konovalov

Also faced today with "Socked timeout!" problem. Is there any another way to create tizen tv certificate?

Egor Konovalov

And now all working.