
[webview] Facebook "Like" button for web pages disappears after click.


Using code from ewk tutorial I opened site with fb "Like" button. After it the button disapeard and no other action occurred - I mean no like incrementation or  redirection to facebook site. I checked smart callbacks for "policy,*" signals, but there are no useful links tu use.

Any Idea? Somebody with similar problem?


5 回复
Armaan-Ul- Islam

Hello, After reading your post to check out the matter I downloaded WebView Sample code from this Tip & Tech document:



Then Imported the project on Tizen Studio, Build and deployed on Z3 device. Hit the url www.facebook.com, logged in and hit several 'like' buttons on different posts. But no Issue here, working fine on my end. I would suggest you to download this sample code and test, I guess you can get some clue from Source Code to find out what's wrong.



dev madrad

Hi Armaan,

You misunderstood my point. The Like button is not the one on faceboo.com, but widget that can be added to your website -> https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/like-button

There is a LIke button in "Like Button Configurator" section. Please check how it works.

Armaan-Ul- Islam

Thanks, For the Explanation.


Formerly, When I used EWK I faced limitations using external js resource and some other issues also occured. So, I moved on to complete Web application. My opinion to you would be to give a shot to Web applications.


(You may like to add the plugin in basic template Web app to test)


And about EWK in Tizen, it could be either limitation or bug. Didn't find any clue on the documents.

dev madrad

After hours of debuging and investigating I found the problem. It was page configuration error for given user-agent. For default user-agent it works good.

Armaan-Ul- Islam

Thanks for Sharing.