
Paremeters allowed for local/remote message ports

I am curious which objects can be set to Tizen::Base::Collection::IMap that is passed as a message when communicating between apps using Tizen::Io::LocalMessagePort and Tizen::Io::RemoteMessagePort.

For example, when I tried to use this code (slightly modified example), my app crashed.

void MyAppClass::GetOnlineFriends(void)
  HashMap* pMap = new HashMap(SingleObjectDeleter);

  pMap->Add(new String(L"RequestType"), new Integer(42));

  pRemotePort->SendMessage(pLocalPort, pMap);

  delete pMap;

Am I doing something wrong, or only Strings are allowed as values when using message ports?

编辑者为: Brock Boland 17 3月, 2014 原因: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


1 回复
youngsik yoon
in dev guide, it says the pMessage argument is "A pointer to an argument map of key (String) and value (String or ByteBuffer) pair The recommended message size is under 4KB". so looks like it doesn't take Key(String) and value(integer) pair.