
How to use "Save link", "Save image" options in WebView

I am designing this application which have WebView in it.

I'm able to set content of WebView using

ewk_view_url_set(ad->web_view, elm_object_text_get("www.example_url.com") );


Now when I long press on any object displayed, it gives certain options. Such as "Save image" etc. But nothing happens on clicking that!

Please refer screen shot: https://www.dropbox.com/s/t7sxs11vadak0q6/Screen_20160724_215148.png?dl=0

Am I missing something? Do my app needs special permissions to be able to use "save option"? Or do I have to set any special properties to WebView etc? Code snippet performing same thing would be great.



2 回复
Mehedi Alamgir

Hi Vikram

As far as i know,  by default WebView browser doesn't allow you to download  a content by pressing on it. To save or download an object from Webview you need to write separate code for it.

Vikram Dattu


Will you please explain with some minimal code snippet how to achieve that?

It would be useful. It's cumborsome to find help with just googling around.

Thanks in advance.