
How to install my app to wearable (Samsung Gear)?

I am building app which can read informations of samsung gear. But my app has problems.

With the devices is added "DUID: 1.0#ll5xIGrQiEBE9JpclFYMuzcDgxc=" in Certificate, It can install.

But with devices isn't added "DUID" , i cannot install my app and show the error "SIGNATURE_INVALID_DEVICE_UNIQUE_ID [75]".

How to install my app into all devices?


3 回复
K Johnson

You've to create distributor certificate for every devices including their DUIDs. Please go through this link, specially creating distributor certificate step. It contains suggestion relevant to your query, have a look. Moreover, you may try following the answer in this link also.

Tri Nguyen Minh

Hi K Johnson,

That's mean I only can install my app for deivices are added to list of distributor certificate.

Now I want to install my app for all devices on market. How can I do?

Do you have suggestion to solve issue?


K Johnson

It'll be replaced by the official distributor certificate once you upload your app to store. Please have a look into this link.