
How can allow any pointer events outside of the current window to be sent to the windows behind it?

How can allow any pointer events outside of the window to be sent to the windows behind it?

such as the flag "FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE" of WindowManager class on Android Apps.

Which API on Tizen?



3 回复
Mango Bar

Plz clarify your question. Can't unserstand your query clearly.

To know about window in Tizen , check the following link


joey wu

Hi Mango,


I  have created a tranparent window. this window can receive touch event.

My query is 

I want this window dosen't receive touch event, and the event will be received by the back of the window.(behind tranparent window)



Mango Bar

Till now , I didn't find any such thing in Tizen where lower window will receive event instead of upper window in a two window container application.  

I only know two signals named "focus,in" and "focus,out". 

  1. focus,in: The window received focus.
  2. focus,out: The window lost focus.


evas_object_smart_callback_add(ad->win, "focus,in", focusIn_cb, ad);

evas_object_smart_callback_add(ad->win, "focus,out", focusOut_cb, ad);