
File access problems

I'm new to Tizen and working on a media app. I'm experiencing several file access problems when working on a Gear S3 device and emulator:

  1. The path given by app_get_data_path() is not accessible. Not even when using 'sdb shell'. It exists but 'ls -l' shows question marks for the access info and I can not 'cd' to it.
  2. I can't fprint() to a new file in '/opt/usr/home/owner/apps_rw/<app_id>', but the Recorder API can save it recodings without problem.
  3. Using the Device manager I can pull files created by the Recorder API in the app. But in code I can't fread() it nor remove() it.

The manifest file has the recorder and mediatstorage privileges. Am I using the wrong api's or missing some other privileges?



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1. the access is allowed to 'root' account only.  usually not available on commercial devices.

2. and 3. try this privilege with your current privileges.,


good luck.

Yasin Ali


I think you may try with suggestion that GEUNSOO KIM has given.
For more information please check it


Unfortuately, even with that privilege it keeps giving a 'permission denied' error.  I understand that the shell behaves differently than code running in an app. The app runs under the 'owner' account and according to Yasin's link, owner should have read/write permissions. 


After reinstalling, recreating the certificates, recreating the apps, polishing up my C knowledge and the informational links, I've got it working.