
FFmpeg support in tizen

Dear all,

How can I use FFmpeg library in Tizen?

As ffmpeg is a cross platform library we can use it for ARM architecture.

Many developers have used it for their android projects by building the shared library.

I want to use it for tizen projects too. How can we use FFmpeg in tizen native projects?




6 回复
colin Rao


I just can import a static lib as below way, but this way is not working for shared lib, possible I am in wrong way. 

So you should build static library first. After you need link static libray to your application:
copy 'libstatlic.a' file to project (../lib) folder and header into (../Inc ) folder and include the path in Tizen C++ Linker > Miscellaneous ->Other objects: "${workspace_loc:/${ProjName}/lib/libstatlic.a}"


Hello colin ,

Thanks for sharing the way to integrate static library in tizen project.

As you said I have to build static library first, but what the process to build a static library usable for tizen?

I can build ffmpeg in ubuntu, is that the work I need?







Regarding how build the static lib version of ffmpeg, I think you need to check the build info in ffmpeg help doc or api doc. 

but, mostly the ffmpeg already provide such static lib, you just need to download it and import to your tizen project.

tizen is a unix*/linux like os, I thinks the static lib for unix*/linux version is ok for tizen.


Additional, tizen also support the shared lib, but actually I don't find such guidline about how to import shared lib into tizen project.

So, you need to use the static lib as a wrokaround.

Alex Dem

fyi, regarding shared libraries - It works for Tizen. It is not problem to build library from Shared Lib template and get *.so file in folder Debug (for arm or x86 configuration)
After this you could add library (*.so file) into youprojectDir/lib folder and build project with appropriate configuration (x86 or arm) . To call library method you could use Eina_Module api, code snippet:

    Eina_Module* module= eina_module_new  ("/opt/usr/apps/org.tizen.yourApp/lib/libsharedlib.so") ;
    bool (*myfunc)(void);
    myfunc=  eina_module_symbol_get  ( module, "tizensharedlib" );

Unfortunately no clear guide in 2.3.0 for this case.

Jean Yang


I've ever encounter such problem, I can import the static library into my project without error. But when I use the same way on shared library, compile without error, but while I try to run the app, no error no ui(screen) shows, after remove the shared library every thing is ok.

Thank you!!! Maybe your solution can resolve my issue. :)

John Ixion

We have a tutorial for the Lame library btw https://developer.tizen.org/documentation/articles/encoding-audio-files-lame