
EDC Layout Signal Handling [TIZEN 2.3.2 NATIVE WEARABLE]

Hello everyone,

with the function send_signal_to_edje(layout_part1_module, "blue,part1txt,txt", "txt.part1") I was able to change the in EDC create layout module text once upon a in the GUI creation registered mouse click event cb.

static void _part1_clicked_cb(void *data, Evas_Object *obj, const char *emission, const char *source)
Evas_Object *layout_part1_module = NULL;
layout_part1_module = obj;
send_signal_to_edje(layout_part1_module, "blue", part1txt,txt", "txt.part1");
send_signal_to_edje(layout_part1_module, "greenrec", part1rec,rec", "rec.part1");

But then it is not possible to change the rectangle color in part1 as well. So my question is:

How is it possible to change state of more than just one element?

And how is it possible to change element states independent from a mouse click event, and in dependence of e.g. a function value?

Best Regards,


1 回复
K Johnson


Elementary objects have a communication interface between the application logic (code) and UI (theme). You can emit signals from the code to a theme, or create handles for the signals emitted from themes. Signals are identified by strings. See this link for details:


To change without mouse click or string passing you have to implement code logic based on your requirements. Hope it will help.