
Click/tap on label

Hi All, 

I want to know if is possible, to fire a click event on a label, looking at the properties it looks like that it is not supported. In tizen studio the only available options are: 

  • slide, end
  • language, changed

Do anyone know if it is possible to handle a click event on a Tizen Label?


4 回复
Yasin Ali


Check out this link: https://developer.tizen.org/development/guides/native-application/user-interface/efl/ui-components/mobile-ui-components/label

Table: Label callback signals
Signal:      anchor,clicked
Description: The anchor is clicked.
event_info:  Elm_Label_Anchor_Info object

Label widget inherits from the Layout
( link : https://developer.tizen.org/development/api-references/native-application?redirect=/dev-guide/4.0.0/org.tizen.native.mobile.apireference/group__Elm__Layout.html )
so that all the functions acting on it also work for label objects.

Hope it will help you.
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Ivan Gualandri

So to use that, in the layout.xml i should add a line similar to: 

<event function_name="game_view_player2_energy_counter_onclick"
    					signal="anchor,clicked" />


Ivan Gualandri

Ok so: 

The event on xml is not working (it's not recognized by the ui builder). 

So i tried to add the event manually in the view_create callback, this is the line that i added: 

evas_object_smart_callback_add(vc->player2_energy_counter, "anchor,clicked", (Evas_Smart_Cb)game_view_player2_energy_anchor_onclicked, vc);

Where player2 energy counter is a label created using UI Builder.

Then the event callback: 

void game_view_player2_energy_anchor_onclicked(uib_game_view_view_context *vc, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info) {
    dlog_print(DLOG_INFO, "MyTag", "Called");

But for some reason the click is not working. 

Anyway i forgot to mention that for the label i'm using a custom edc style.

Ivan Gualandri

So the problem was the name of the event fired. Instead of "anchor,clicked", it has to be just "clicked". Doing that it started working.