
Build Error in Mac

I am using iMac for Tizen application development. Installation is success and I able to run the Emulator as well. But now I tried to run the sample applicaiton(Example app from tizen) in Emulator , it is throwing an error at the time of Build. The error is 

The program file specified in the launch configuration does not exist
/Volumes/Projects/Tizen/WorkSpace/xmlparseeuckr/Debug-Tizen-Emulator/XMLParseEuckr.exe not found

I can understand the reason why the error is throwed . It is looking for an exe which will not work in Mac.

Is there any Build Config is available for Mac OS ?

编辑者为: Brock Boland 17 3月, 2014 原因: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


6 回复
john Smith
Hi, Try with Right click on project->C++ setting -> Tizen Settings -> In Architecture -> change to arm-v7A, and run the application.
Pratik Bhadkoliya
Hi I am facing the same problem. Recently, I have re-installed Mac OS X 10.8.4 on the machine and then Tizen SDK 2.1. After I am facing the same error (Note that before re-install it was working fine). I also check under Projects > Properties > Tizen Settings > In Architecture. It is already set ARMv7-a. I tried some changes in there but no luck. Is there any other solution I should try?
john Smith
Hi, Beta released alredy, try with 2.2 Beta.
Leo Joseph
Hi Smith, I will check that. I got a doubt. If I am changing the Builder Type to Internal Builder , it is working fine in my iMac. If I use Internal Builder for development, will that be a problem ?
jayesh joshi
Right click on project in project Explorer > Properties > c/c++ build > Tizen Setting > Architecture [see right side] > ARMV7-a
Szymon Majewski

Changing to ARMV7 dodn't help. When you hit Play, then it goes back to x86 again.