
Bluetooth LE GATT Can't set Client Characteristic Configuration Descriptor 0x2902

Hi I'm trying to develop an application (native app using Tizen Studio 3.3) for the Gear S3 watch. It's running Tizen

I'm following the "tutorial" located here : https://developer.tizen.org/ko/development/guides/native-application/connectivity-and-wireless/bluetooth?langredirect=1#set_adv_conn

I scan the devices, connect to one particular in connect's callback I create a client, get the service handle, characteristic's handle and then descriptor's handle.

The problem is that when I try to write to the CCCD (0x2902) descriptor to turn notifications on (via set_value, and the write_value) I get -1 return error from the write_value callback.

What does this error mean, I can't find it's value nor in the code nor in the documentation.

Is there any other way to enable characteristic's notifications?

The same approach works for me in python and there is no authentication required whatsoever.



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