
In-App Purchase fails with error "Tizen account already exist" [SOLVED]

In-app purchase sample application worked fine in developer mode one week ago. It correctly provided items list, purchased items and provided purchased items (at least in developer mode with selected "Russian Federation" mcc).

Two days ago purchase started to get failed with error "Tizen account already exist".

Do anybody has the same problem and how it can be fixed?

[SOLVED] 29.08.2013: New sample application (sample_native_1.zip) with new IAP Client TPK 1.0.7 and Tizen Account TPK 1.2.0011 works fine now.

编辑者为: Brock Boland 17 3月, 2014 原因: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


7 回复
Michael Smirnoff
I have same problem, but has not yet found a solution.
muditha murthy
install tizen account package from developer site https://developer.tizen.org/downloads/in-app-purchase tizen account.tpk file
Michael Smirnoff
The specified package (https://developer.tizen.org/sites/default/files/page/t5ek35st3l-1.2.3-arm.tpk) is installed. The installation was made in accordance with https://developer.tizen.org/sites/default/files/page/read_me_0.txt. And as Nick wrote above: "In-app purchase sample application worked fine in developer mode one week ago."
Mallikarjun Hunalli
Herd this was a Tizen account issue. Please check now. herd its resolved.
Michael Smirnoff
Still does not working for me.
Mallikarjun Hunalli
Use the new TizenAccount TPK 1.2.0011. This has a fix to error "Tizen account already exist".
Nick Dodonov
New in-app data has been published today (https://developer.tizen.org/downloads/in-app-purchase). New sample application works fine with new IAP Client TPK 1.0.7/Tizen Account TPK now.