
Adding input languages in Tizen 2.3
Hello, everyone! Recently I got Samsung Z1 with Tizen 2.3. The main issue with the OS is that I can't type in my native language! Luckily, I'm a developer and, I believe, I can (try to) fix this... But I'm not sure, what to start with. Can anyone please point me in the right direction?.. I have already installed Tizen SDK and started checking the code. As I understood, input in Tizen 2.3 is handled by SCIM?.. But I'm not sure, if this is what I need. What keyboard application does Tizen 2.3 for Mobile use?.. As I know, Tizen 3.0 is using weekeyboard, but what about 2.3? Also, I saw mentions of IME apps, but not sure if this has anything to do with input languages... Pleade advise. Thanks. Andriy


3 回复
Jean Yang


I think the keyboard application you mean the entry widget, you can find in IDE help Tizen Mobile Native App Programming > Programming Guide > UI: Creating the Application UI > Widgets ->Entry widget

For lanuage support, hope you can find something useful in Multi-language Support: Tizen Mobile Native App Programming > Programming Guide > UI: Creating the Application UI->Multi-language Support


Andriy Lesyuk
Hi, Jean! Thanks for the reply! The entry widget seems to use the virtual keyboard application, that I meant. It knows it as the Input Panel. Unfortunately, I was not able to find anything useful besides just the name... However, it became something, that I could start with. So thanks anyway! Regarding the multi-language support: it seems to be just localization... Thanks again, Andriy
Andriy Lesyuk
It looks like, what I need is an ISE table... ISE stands for Input Service Engine and is a part of the SCIM project, that is used by Tizen 2.3. The ISE engine loads tables for each keyboard layout. In other words, I need to create a table and inject it into ISE somehow... As I understood, ISE tables should be contained within the ise-engine-tables binary file. However, I'm unable to find such file on Samsung Z1! What I'm able to find is: /usr/lib/scim-1.0/1.4.0/IMEngine/ise-engine-lite.so /usr/lib/scim-1.0/1.4.0/Helper/ise-multilingual-lite.so /usr/lib/scim-1.0/1.4.0/SetupUI/ise-multilingual-lite-setup.so /usr/share/isf/ise/ise-multilingual-lite /usr/share/scim/ise-engine-lite /usr/share/scim/icons/ise-multilingual-lite.png So, I'm confused... Which of these files is the ISE engine?.. What is "lite"? How do I recompile the appropriate file and where is the source code? Andriy