Permit to install" ???" />


Tizen Studio 2.0 "Connection explorer->Permit to install" ???

How do I install applications with Tizen Studio 2.0?




Cannot install application.

Error code: FATAL_ERROR
Error message: FATAL_ERROR
Command: /usr/bin/pkgcmd -q -i -t "NativePkg" -p "/opt/usr/apps/tmp/org.example.glviewcube_mobile24-1.0.1-arm.tpk" ; echo cmd_ret:$?;
Management: Installation or uninstallation is not working temporarily.




end process (fail)
processing result : FATAL_ERROR [61] failed
spend time for pkgcmd is [1364]ms
(6.415 sec)



Samsung Z1

Samsung 2017 TV

Windows 10 x64

编辑者为: Andrew Witte 16 12月, 2017


33 回复
Shaswati Saha

Please try with deleting old certificates. Sync target device date & time with the developement PC date & time and then create new certificate. Hope it'll help.

Moreover, you may go through this link.

Andrew Witte

So am I correct in assuming the old "Connection explorer->Permit to install" functionality is no longer required?


How do I push and pull certificates to the Tizen device with "Tizen Studio 2.0" or is this only possible with the CLI now?

Shaswati Saha

According to my opinion, you don't need to use "Permit to install" in Tizen Studio version 2.0. Simply create certificate then clean, build and run your app.

Andrew Witte

This DOES NOT WORK! Your Tizen Cert stuff doesn't work... It doesn't work on Samsung Mobile and it doesn't work on Samsung TV.


1/ Check date (THIS IS CORRECT)

2/ or press the cert icon on top bar on left if you press ok it will register cert again (WTF DOES THIS EVEN MEAN? IMAGE PLEASE?)

3/ Or Cert issue, regenerate cert and before deploying to device (THIS DOESN'T HELP)



1/ Make sure your device and development computer dates match

2/ Click the cert icon at the top tool bar, if you press the ok button it will register cert again (really it does this without telling you anything? wtf)

3/ If this is a certification issue, regenerate cert before deploying to device


Just disable publisher cert shit for dev... omfg... like Android does (take a hint Samsung).

I have never gotten this to work, didn't work 2 years ago and doesn't work now. The docs are a joke.


Full error log


!ENTRY org.tizen.common.rds.RdsDeltaDetector 4 0 2017-12-22 21:55:37.222
!MESSAGE [2017.12.22 21:55:37][ERROR] - old snapshot pull failed: 3 sdb Connection Error.
!ENTRY org.tizen.nativecommon 4 0 2017-12-22 21:55:41.217
!MESSAGE Cannot install application.
Error code: FATAL_ERROR
Error message: FATAL_ERROR
Command: /usr/bin/pkgcmd -q -i -t "NativePkg" -p "/opt/usr/apps/tmp/org.example.glviewcube_mobile24-1.0.1-arm.tpk" ; echo cmd_ret:$?;
Management: Installation or uninstallation is not working temporarily.
at org.tizen.common.sdb.command.message.PkgcmdErrorType.makeException(
at org.tizen.common.sdb.command.SdbCommandHelper.runPkgCmd(
at org.tizen.common.sdb.command.InstallCommand.executeCommand(
at org.tizen.nativecommon.command.NativeInstallCommand.executeCommand(
at org.tizen.common.sdb.command.ApplicationCommand.execute(
at org.tizen.nativecommon.launch.TizenLaunchDelegate2.installPackage(
at org.tizen.nativecommon.launch.TizenLaunchDelegate2.normalDeploy(
at org.tizen.nativecommon.launch.TizenLaunchDelegate2.deployByRDS(
at org.tizen.nativecommon.launch.TizenLaunchDelegate2.deployApplication(
at org.tizen.nativecommon.launch.TizenLaunchDelegate2.launchApplicationForRun(
at org.tizen.nativecommon.launch.TizenLaunchDelegate2.launch(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.LaunchConfiguration.launch(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.LaunchConfiguration.launch(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.DebugUIPlugin.buildAndLaunch(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.DebugUIPlugin$
Andrew Witte

Ok FINALLY figured out how to make it work on MOBILE ONLY (idk about TV). Tizen Studio 2.0 is crap and doesn't push the "device-profile.xml" anymore. "Permit to install" used to do this I think in the older version.


To HACK around this on Windows I had to run the cmd:

.\sdb.exe push C:\Users\{USER-FOLDER}\SamsungCertificate\{CERT}\device-profile.xml /home/developer


Now I can push to the mobile device. Please update the docs as this waisted so much time trying to find this info.


However I still can't get this to work on the TV with error -------------------

[Initializing the launch environment...]
    RDS: On
    Target information: UN40MU6290
    Application information: Id(vEwHyx2XOD.HelloTizenTV), Package Name(vEwHyx2XOD), Project Name(HelloTizenTV)
Unexpected stop progress...
!ENTRY org.tizen.web.zimlaunch 4 0 2017-12-22 23:04:27.273
!MESSAGE closed
org.tizen.sdblib.exception.SdbCommandRejectedException: closed
at org.tizen.sdblib.command.Command.sendRequest(
at org.tizen.sdblib.Device.executeShellCommand(
at org.tizen.common.sdb.command.SdbCommandHelper.runCommand(
at org.tizen.common.sdb.command.SdbCommandHelper.runCommand(
at org.tizen.common.sdb.command.PackageInfoCommand.executeCommand(
at org.tizen.common.sdb.command.PackageInfoCommand.isInstalled(
at org.tizen.web.zimlaunch.command.WebPackageInfoCommand.isInstalled(
at org.tizen.web.zimlaunch.step.InitLaunchStep.executeStep(
at org.tizen.web.zimlaunch.core.CompositeStep.executeStep(
at org.tizen.web.zimlaunch.deployer.ZimLaunchDelegate.preLaunch(
at org.tizen.web.zimlaunch.deployer.ZimLaunchDelegate.launch(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.LaunchConfiguration.launch(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.LaunchConfiguration.launch(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.DebugUIPlugin.buildAndLaunch(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.DebugUIPlugin$
Shaswati Saha

In this scenario, I would like to suggest you to use Tizen Studio version 1.3 instead of 2.0 and TV Extension version 3.1.2. You may find both of them in following links respectively:


Moreover, you may follow this link to install tv extension properly.

Andrew Witte

I've already tried this. If you install Tizen Studio 1.3 and TV Extension v3.1.2, it WILL NOT install the extension unless updates are ran and that requires updates ON EVERYTHING which installs Tizen Studio 2.0. I just bought a 2017 Samsung TV and Tizen Studio 2.0 doesn't support this?! WTF (face palm)...


Is there a way to force Tizen Studio to use 1.3 ONLY sources that keeps if from Updating to 2.0? If not you guys have broken everything. This is just silly 4.0 is in beta, PLEASE add back in Samsung TV 3 support.

Shaswati Saha

Would you please try the whole thing one more time with turning off Auto Update option from the configuration panel Package Manager?

Andrew Witte

This doesn't work. The package manager requires everything to update (like WebIDE) even with "AUTO-UPDATE" OFF. Tizen Studio package manager is BROKEN for 2017 Tizen 3 TVs (this is just rediculus... you guys broke Tizen Studio for a 4.0 beta OS thats NOT EVEN OUT YET (who is the dev lead on this? what a joke).

I'm now trying to hack the package manager by making it point to a custom URL with a modified "" file. I want to force the package manager to use legacy sources. PLEASE someone update the package manager to do this... With WebOS / LG I have Zero issues.

Shaswati Saha

Did you try the whole process after uninstalling previously installed Tizen Studio and cleaning up all the things related to that?

Andrew Witte

Yes. Everything was removed before trying. Certs, etc, etc. This is from a fresh install.


well.. well...

let me check few things first.

1. Did you use "Samsung" certificate to sign your package? the default "Tizen" certificate will not work on Samsung retail devices. you should use "Samsung" cert.

2. Did you install all available tizen SDKs? like "4.0 Mobile" etc. If it is possible, try to install all "4.0" SDK related packages. (I know. this version of tizen studio is a kind of sxxk. but give it a try.)

4.  which version of java SDK are you using on your PC? "Oracle java sdk 8" version is required. other vserions will not work correctly.


Andrew Witte

I've found a hack work-around to get Tizen Studio 1.3 to stay installed and get TV Extensions 3 installed. Will post back here with a simple HowTo for others having the same issue.

Shaswati Saha

I've tried to install Tizen Studio version 1.3 along with TV Extension version 3.1.2 and able to install and create apps successfully in both windows 7 and Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. Please try to share your process or workaround here if possible.

Andrew Witte

I will post back with more info this weekend. Just have to finalize some tests.

Andrew Witte

I'm on x64 Windows 10 Pro version 1709.

Whats wrong with Tizen Studio 1.3 and TV Ext 3.x...


How To Fix Tizen Studio 1.3 for TV Ext 3.x...

For step #1 you will notice "htdocs/official/alternative_info.xml" && "htdocs/official/extension_info.xml" souces have been changed to use localhost.

Download this part of the process from here:!Alt5wRhQYKD7gdcGoC__k2MDFBMikA

Mark as answer
Igor Blinnikov

It's not documented anywhere but you just need to select 'Tizen_Studio_1.3' in the list below 'Auto Update' checkbox on your first screen.

After that you just hit 'OK' and package manager only suggests to update SDKs related to this 1.3 version.

Moreover, you don't need to run local server to host TV Extension 3.1.2, you can add downloaded zip-archive in expanded SDK section as locally cached.

Andrew Witte

So simple yet such bad UI to indicate what the state of things are. After hitting ok there is no indication you're only targeting a specific version on the main page. Also if you go back into settings it doesn't select the version you're on which made me think nothing had happend. Anyway thanks for clearing this up.


Thank you for this!

I was already desperate looking since days for a solution.
Samsung and their Support is a bunch of incompetent idiots.

Andrew Witte

I would also take note of "Igor Blinnikov " comment. You should be able to turn off auto update and then select 1.3 in the list below and hit ok (its just not clear in the UI this works) [this I tested this].


Another solution since this post (haven't tested).

Use Tizen Studio 2.x with pre-2018 TVs:


gael cobert

Hello i don't understand where is the zip archive Tv Extensions 3

Can you provide an url to download it, or give me more informations to find it ?


Andrew Witte

 I have it listed in my last post but here it is again:!Alt5wRhQYKD7gdcGoC__k2MDFBMikA

Andrew Witte

Opps my bad, miss read your post. Here is a download link for TV Extensions 3.1.2:!Alt5wRhQYKD7gdcHba9QQZZaIqS8CQ

You can also download from the official link here:



Aussi Guy

Hey gael,

Officially TV Extension 3.1.2 is the last version to be available on Samsung developers site.

Unless someone downloaded TV 3.0 extension before it was removed and share with you, it will be hard to find.

Did you try develop using Tizen Studio 2.0 with TV 4.0?

I saw in various posts that app developed using TV 4.0 is supposed to work on 2016, 2017 TV models.


Andrew Witte

Tizen Studio 2.x does not work with 2017 models as it can't even target them. You can't create Tizen TV 3.0 projects with it. If you try to create Tizen TV 4.0 projects it will fail to upload it to the TV.


If I'm wrong about this, its NOT documented and everyone that says its possible doesn't say how.

gael cobert


i first tried to install the latest development kit, but when i want to launch the app on my tv (frame 55 pouces 2017), i have an error "closed". the sdb daemon cannot push the app to the tv.... That's why i want to test with older SDK


gael cobert

thank you it's ok i can launch the template app "analog watch", the app appears directly on the TV ! thanks !

Aussi Guy

Hey gael,

You succeeded with Tizen studio 1.3 or 2.0 ?

gael cobert

1.3 only, 2.0 doesnt't work

P. Vong

☝ I wrote up this documentation a couple months ago for my internal team on how we solved getting Tizen Studio 1.3 and TV Extensions 3.0 back, but this was just finally published publicly. It's most of the same steps and similar screenshots as what Andrew Witte has already posted, but this includes a few extra details. We've had several dev & qa environments  running for a while now by following the step-by-step instructions, so hopefully this helps anyone else out there that's still struggling with Tizen Studio!


Thank you for the Blog Article!
It was a very easy task to get it working with your tutorial!

I was already desperate looking since days for a solution.
Samsung and their Support is a bunch of incompetent idiots.

Igor Blinnikov

Found a way how to make Tizen Studio 2.1 work. Hope this could be helpfull.


Guys, I just installed the latest Tizen Studio and if you want to upload an app to a TV 3.0 platform, you don't have to do anything else, just change the




In the C:\user\YOURNAME\workspace\YOURPROJECT\ directory in the .tproject file.