
tizen build-app is not working



I need package a web application and a native service together, so I tried with tizen build-app. Unfortunately, I can't make it work.


I followed the instruction from https://developer.tizen.org/ko/development/tizen-studio/web-tools/cli?langredirect=1 and below are my steps:



  • create a web application: 

    tizen create web-project -n webApp -p wearable-2.3.2 -t WebBasicapplication

  • create a native service: 

    tizen create native-project -n nativeService -p wearable-2.3.2 -t ServiceApp

  • build the web application: 

    tizen build-web -- ./webApp

  • build the native service: 

    tizen build-native -a arm -c llvm -C Debug -- ./nativeService

  • package them together: 

    tizen build-app -p "name:app1,targets:[webApp,nativeService]"

However, I got the below output:


An error has occurred. See the log file tizen-sdk/tools/ide/ncli.log.

Total time: 00:00:00.230



And the ncli.log file showed the following:


2017-06-12 17:05:09,914 [TRACE] Main.java(89) - Start running Tizen CLI Main class...

2017-06-12 17:05:09,919 [TRACE] Main.java(90) - Argument count:5

2017-06-12 17:05:09,930 [TRACE] BuildAppCLI.java(69) - Execute BuildNativeCLI...

2017-06-12 17:05:10,158 [ERROR] AbstractCLI.java(87) - 


    at org.tizen.ncli.subcommands.build.buildapp.BuildAppCLICommand.makeBuildProjectList(BuildAppCLICommand.java:564)

    at org.tizen.ncli.subcommands.build.buildapp.BuildAppCLICommand.makeBuildProjectListAll(BuildAppCLICommand.java:630)

    at org.tizen.ncli.subcommands.build.buildapp.BuildAppCLICommand.call(BuildAppCLICommand.java:1186)

    at org.tizen.ncli.subcommands.build.buildapp.BuildAppCLICommand.call(BuildAppCLICommand.java:76)

    at org.tizen.ncli.subcommands.AbstractSubCommand.runCommand(AbstractSubCommand.java:85)

    at org.tizen.ncli.ide.shell.BuildAppCLI.execute(BuildAppCLI.java:112)

    at org.tizen.ncli.ide.shell.AbstractCLI.execute(AbstractCLI.java:85)

    at org.tizen.ncli.ide.shell.Main.run(Main.java:143)

    at org.tizen.ncli.ide.shell.Main.main(Main.java:77)

2017-06-12 17:05:10,161 [ERROR] Main.java(151) - 



Please help. Thanks a lot. 



编辑者为: Jinghai Rao 12 6月, 2017


5 回复
Iqbal Hossain


I have used like this, you can follow this

// native project creation
tizen create native-project -p mobile-2.4 -t basic-ui -n basic -- /home/user/Tizen-cli-project/

// web project creation
tizen create web-project -n testProject -p mobile-2.4 -t WebBasicApplication -- /home/user/Tizen-cli-project/

// build native project
tizen build-native -a x86 -c llvm -C Debug -- /home/user/Tizen-cli-project/basic

// build web project
tizen build-web -- /home/user/Tizen-cli-project/testProject

// build together
tizen build-app -p "name:webp1,targets:[/home/user/Tizen-cli-project/testProject,/home/user/Tizen-cli-project/basic]"


Jinghai Rao

Hi Iqbal,


Thanks for you prompt reply. I tried with your approach, and there is no error. However, nothing was created. I expect an application package wgt file. 





Jinghai Rao

BTW, I was using Tizen CLI 2.4.5. p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 11.0px Menlo} span.s1 {font-variant-ligatures: no-common-ligatures}


Iqbal Hossain

I have also not found any visible output after the command. Although is shows no error like previous. Since the documentation for the multi project build is not so elaborated, it is not reliable may be.


You can use IDE to build it. Open both projects in Tizen Studio. Right click on Web project and click on properties. 

Open Tizen Studio>Package>Multi 

You will see list of Service here. Select the desired service and click on Ok. Now you can see the changes in Service app. 

Build the Web app and install it. Service app will be automatically installed with Web app. 


Tajuddin Khandaker


I tried building multiple native projects following same guideline in Windows: but I found the following error

> tizen build-native -a arm -C Debug -- D:\workspace\native-projects-cli\main

> tizen build-native -a arm -C Debug -- D:\workspace\native-projects-cli\native1

so on .... then

> tizen build-app -p "name:np1,targets:[main, native1, native2, native3]"

Error: No argument is allowed: targets:[main


Any guideline for windows commands ?