
How To Modify Tizen OS

HI everyone ! 


I would like to modify Tizen OS, especially the UI interface for professional purpose.

For example, I want to set the watch (Gear S2) to have always my app lunched. If you reboot the watch, I want to have my brand introduction, and then my app lunched automatically with no view on the home screen. So I think I have to rebuilt Tizen OS to work as I want. But where to find the files ? And more important, how to know what I have to modify ? Is there any documentation about that ? 


What should I do to do so in the big lines ?


Thanks a lot ! ;)

编辑者为: Mohamed Benyahia 25 2月, 2016


2 回复
daniel kim


According to this description, such function is not supported in wearable device.

<ui-application> Element

    on-boot attribute
                    Indicates whether the application is launched automatically on device booting time or application installation time.


                            This attribute is not supported in Tizen wearable devices.

                              Expected value:

I think that you can launch your application from your watchface. but I 've failed to find a way how to detect boot event.





Strange, for web service this is supported:

you can develop app with web service which will be start automatically. But this requires partner-level certification.


maybe it's some  misunderstanding in the documentation