
gear S3와 Tizen Studio 간 connect 문제
gear S3로 개발을 진행하고 있는데, 처음에는 tizen studio 에서 gear S3가 정상적으로 Scan 되고 연결도 되었는데, 그 후에는 계속해서 remote device가 이미 다른 장치와 연결되어 있다는 오류 문과 함께 scan 도 되지 않습니다. 해결 방법 없을까요?ㅠㅠ - 같은 network 상에 있고, bluetooth는 꺼져 있는 상태입니다.


1 回复
Armaan-Ul- Islam

Such Issue occurs regularly in my case and I guess in everyone's case. Remote device manager of Tizen Studio throws the message "the remote device may be already connected by another one" whenever there is a issue with connection. You will even get this same message whenever your gear is not connected to same network or powered off.


Make sure:

1. Both your PC and Gear is connected tosame network.

2. Recheck the IP address assinged to your gear again and enter the IP address correctly to remote device manager (You may use static IP).

3. Enter a name for your device along with IP and the Port: 26101


Now keep paitent and try again and again repeatedly clicking on the OFF/ON button under 'connect' coloumn header. It may take some time but should be successful after repeated hit.



Run the 'sdb' from your 'tizen-studio' directory > 'tools' directory. The enter the connect command with the IP (Ofcourse repeatedly again & again). Example:

sdb connect

When you are successful you would find the device on 'List of attached devices' by using the command:

sdb devices



I hope the Tizen-Studio IDE developers would soon fix the issue.