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What happened to rotarydetent in Tizen 3.0 !?

Hello, since I'm finding tons of problem in Tizen OS 3 (it destroyed all my apps, because samsung didn't release any list of changes, but that's another story...), I have now found though one:


Bezel event in any app will break right after you call date/time picker (which also uses bezel, but developers somehow destroyed this event right after their function).


You can try it for example by New project -> Sample -> Wearable 3 -> Web -> UI -> TAU UI Components. On gear S3, you can run this app, use several samples of rotary event. But once you use "etc" -> Time/Date picker, every rotary event in the app just stops working. This was never happened on OS 2.3.1. This "feature" just killed all my apps that I developed for Gear S3 :(


Is there any way how to report problems in OS to Samsung? In samsungselleroffice help, they wrote me that they don't solve problems like this....


Thanks for ideas.

Edited by: Konvalinka on 18 3월, 2018


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Armaan-Ul- Islam
What about Wearable 3.0 Emulator ? Does it behaves the same? I'll get back to you once I've tested the sample you mentioned on my Gear S2 and Gear S3.

Thank you for response! Yes, I've created new emulator OS 3.0, installed just TAU UI Components and it behaves the same. Definitelly Tizen's bug :(

Armaan-Ul- Islam

Yes, The scenario is same as you mentioned. I've Checked on Gear S3 & Gear Sport.


If Same Behaviuor is observed in any app using <input type="date"> with TAU, It's a Bug then.

You may report a bug on Tizen bug Tracker. Here’s a guideline on how to report bugs. Please share the 'Reported bug' link here on this post to help the developers keep track.


Is there any update on this issue? I have noticed it too, once the time picker is used in a web application, the rotary bezel events stop working. It happens only on Tizen 3.


@Konvalinka: have you been able to find any workaround?

Armaan-Ul- Islam

As the Emulators & Devices running on Tizen 3.0 shows same behavior of "freezing of Bezel event after calling date/time picker", It's a bug. As the bug isn't reported yet, You might take the chance to report.


But, I guess have to wait till the fix.

Armaan-Ul- Islam

I've reported a bug on Tizen Bug tracker. Check out the link to keep track...


Title: RotaryDetent Bezel Rotation Event DO NOT FUNCTION anymore in app once Date/time picker is launched

Link: https://bugs.tizen.org/browse/TW-65


Thank you so much for reporting the bug! I was totally out of the time since now... Voted for issue.